Dear students!

I cordially welcome you all to this distinguished Govt. College of Technology Swabi, Where your quest for Technical education may be quenched from the field of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, R.A.C, and Computer H/W with fully equipped labs. Technical Education plays a vital role to change the status of a Country, no Action could bring revolution in it unless everybody is technically educated enough to meet the challenges and achieve the goals. Technology is the art of industrial development, so I put forward my view that the real development of a nation id industrialization. To get this goal and objective you should be innovative, initiative, and adventurous. You may have spirit, eagerness, passion, and devotion to get technical proficiency in any field of study. Luckily you have got the introduction of C.P.E.C (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) where Engineer technical skilled workers are intensely required. C.E.P.C caught the attention of all the neighboring countries as it has a plan to eradicate unemployment especially in our province and in the whole of Pakistan in general. Technical Education has a great role in the eradication of poverty. The college has a well-suited location between Gadoon Industrial Estate and Risalpur Industrial Estate; here it is not to be overemphasizing rather a collection of facts regarding the system. So I hearty advise my dear students to take admission in the available various technologies i.e Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, R.A.C, and Computer H/W with equipped established labs, where students are provided with audiovisual aids of modern technologies. We have a system of assigning mini-projects as competition & the encouragement of successful students. I suggest sharing the materialistic approach & adopting the humanistic approach. This will be my great and foremost pleasure, priority, and duty to make GCT Swabi the essence of my massage.